AGRiP is the Association of Governmental Risk Pools and has over 200 local government insurance pool/mutual members across the USA, Canada and Australia, of which CivicRisk Mutual has been a member for many years.
In October 2022, Lisa Williams, our Chief Financial Officer, and Andrew Armitstead, our Chief Executive Officer, were invited to provide a presentation at the AGRiP Staff Forum on the Mutual Value Measurement (MVM) framework, our implementation journey and the benefits. The presentation included a 1 hour overview on how to develop key performance indicators using a mutual value mindset followed by a 1 hour exercise where the 90 attendees broke into groups and identified some of their own measures for each of the MVM framework dimensions.
The feedback from the session was positive and AGRiP representatives have plans to connect with the MVM model creators, being the Business Councils of Cooperatives and Mutuals, and Monash University, in order to bring the MVM framework and reporting tool to their members in 2023.